Monday, May 3, 2010

Taking the Survey

It didn't take very long for me to complete the survey and it wasn't too "hard". Some questions I went through pretty quickly while others I really had to think about. The easier questions for me were mostly the friendship questions that asked about how I act around others and how my relationships were friends were like. I found the family questions a little harder. Some of them were easy but most of them I had to really think about if my family felt a specific way about me. As for the ones that questioned my goals for the future, they were easy for me to answer. They were only easy for me to answer because the larger part of me feels so definite about my plans for the future but there will always be that little part of doubt. The little part of me that wonders if I am really capable of achieving my goals. Not only do I doubt my handiwork, I also wonder about all the things that can go wrong. There can be so many incidents that might trigger something negative in my future. "The future" is a hard concept to really wrap my head around. It is so broad. There's so much to think about. So many possibilities. This is a pretty cliche answer that many other people will give you if asked to think about their futures. It's hard to think about things in "your own way" sometimes since your own way is just the same as anybody elses ways. This really goes to show how together and alike many people are. So alike that someone may be having the same "insight" into the survey as I am right now. I feel like no matter how different we are, we are one species, we are all together as one. It's almost like we all share a mind.

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