Monday, February 8, 2010

First School Assignment

Other students
Attention spans

What amazes me the most about attending school at SOF is the elevators. Why is everyone always in a rush to get on the elevators? Where are they going that they need to be at so urgently? Its definitely not class. I always wonder why people are in such a need to get to class early or on time when they don't even pay attention in the class. Many people fall asleep or are arguing with other students or the teacher because they think its cool. But there is also the socializing that I hadn't taken into account. Many people usually go upstairs early just so they could socialize in the crowded hallways and then enter class late purposely. That's so STUPID.

Speaking of being stupid, students that actually go to class, don't even keep a long enough attention span to fully understand the work being taught. I'm not saying that I am a perfect student myself I'm just saying that this is what happens to the vast majority of high school students. When students are unable to focus in class, they begin distracting others who do try to learn. They start to make noises and just acting stupid for their own entertainment because they need to over compensate for their lack of attention. Many humans enjoy watching other people in frustration. It is often humorous to others when someone is getting bullied or had an accident or any other misfortune that overcomes them.

Don't even get me started on people thinking that being dumb is cool. It bothers me a lot when people put on a dumb personality because they think its cool to seem illiterate. Many people are afraid to look smart because they are scared of being labeled as "nerd" or "geek" or any other demeaning terms that suggests that a person is smart. Personally I enjoy being smart whenever I can. I like stating my views and if it's going to be something smart that comes out of my mouth then guess what people can call me a nerd or a loser or whatever they like all they want. If that is how I am viewed in people's eyes then it's nice to know I am smart.

Whats worse than acting dumb is boasting when you receive a low grade on any schoolwork. Students that make their failures public are pathetic. Do not be proud of a low or failing score. Keep it to yourself and just work hard to get a better grade the next time around. Sure, people mess up all the time but when you mess up, don't complain and whine about it while not doing anything to fix it. I'm not going to lie here, I was definitely one of those people who didn't really give a rat's ass when I wasn't doing well in school and all I did was complain and whine to Felix and my friends. I would say something along the lines of "omg I have so much work to do" and just sit my ass on the couch and not do anything about it. This wasn't too long ago but when reality actually sets in and I see how badly I messed up, the games are over, playtime is to resume when I get on top of my school work and have a better handle on my time management.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Work in Progress

Pretty much done. I don't like it but here it is. It looks a bit better in person so maybe I'll bring it in on Monday.

Cool Art Project

My art project started out as a group project that involved many people. With many people come many ideas so I was not too sure if it was going to work out so I started on my own project. My work of art is actually an unfinished painting that I had started about a year ago. It actually holds the same concept as I had in mind when I first started. The idea that I chose to single out of the many cool poses was keeping your composure when things get tough. The re-start of my painting was actually triggered by my good friend, Dylan. I was having a lot of trouble figuring out what I wanted to do for the project since there were so many ideas going through my mind so I asked him to help me organize my thoughts. In the end he helped me come up with the final idea of my art project. When I thought about things getting tough I immediately thought about New York City and the chaos that circulates every second of every day of every year, etc. When thinking of NYC, the bombing of the twin towers was by far the most tragic event I could think of where a major part of the city’s heart was destroyed.

When people look at my art, I want them to see the picture as a whole and analyze it for themselves. I would like to see how my views are looked upon and seen differently. My ideas are definitely not the views of others and the inner networks of my mind obviously are no equal to that of someone else’s. When people see this I want them to feel it. I want there to be emotion. Some may hate it and some may like it but I really don’t care, I just want people to see it as it is. This was my portrayal of how what the twin towers where no able to see. I wanted to give the towers emotions or eyes of their own; I’m not sure how to explain myself. The towers are so cool and sleek and calm when there is such a mess revolving around them. The phrase “the city comes to life” takes a somewhat literal meaning here.

While illustrating the events of September 11th, 2001 there where moments where I just closed my eyes and tried to picture the day and how sad it was. Call me crazy but when I did so I felt like one of those people who enjoyed chaos. I was looking for the happy among all the terror. There were many people unaware of the attack outside of New York, some of them had to be happy. Ignorance is bliss. Everything led back to being calm and collected. I’m sure this strays a long, long way from what we spoke about in class about cool but I took one idea of cool and transformed it into something unexpected. This most definitely relates back to humans being composed when there are fights that break out. Not freaking out and making matters worse for yourself and everyone around you is positively awesome.

I feel that art is extremely cool. It is an outlet for people to express their feelings freely in whichever way they want without any judgment. Art is opinion. You cannot question ones opinion because it’s a thought, there is no need for evidence to back it up. You can argue a fact but never an opinion. Don’t question art as you wouldn’t question opinions. Get off the artists’ backs.