Thursday, October 8, 2009


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Video Homework

I felt like a dork watching my own video. I found it weird to watch myself doing all that stuff because it felt so fake. It felt like an artificial life for 5 minutes. I didn’t feel like I was really doing any of the digital stuff portrayed in my video because I was so focused on recording what I was doing. I felt like I was just doing everything to get it on video I really don’t think I act like that in actuality. Like right this second as I am using the computer to do my homework, it is the only digital thing I am using. The only other thing I am doing while doing my homework is eating cookies and drinking milk. Everything is available to me on my computer, music, videos, friends, entertainment; I don’t need to be using my other digital equipment right now. What also went across my mind was the fact that it was waaaaaay easier for me to make the video than it was for me to upload it. What’s funny is that our unit is about technology in people’s lives and how everyone is addicted to it and all but we’re into the surface tech. Some may know what goes on inside our electronics and yea it’s something fairly interesting to know but I for one am very un-tech-savvy. I am horrible with computers; I have had three computers and two laptops since I started high school ß that is a VERY bad ratio of me to computers.

The digital world is the digital world. It is how it is. Whatever it may be, if it involves a screen that entertains you, it is a part of the digital world and you are immersed in it. As for ideas such as the Wii, I feel that creators do understand that people are spending way too much time within the digital world. I see them as people trying to break the barrier between the digital world and reality. The Wii is a video game but unlike others it renders a feeling of satisfaction in the participant because it caused them to be more active than they would be playing a regular non physical video game. I still feel that going outside to do sports and have fun with friends is much healthier than get your exercise from bright screen of changing colors. Game makers are getting closer to breaking the barrier but the “work out” provided by Wii games will never compare to that of real exercise where one can work their muscles to the fullest extent.


Response to my First Comments

Thank you for more ideas on how to expand on my "paper". I liked how you brought up new questions that I didn't even ask myself. It brought me new insights on how I should keep writing and editing my essay.

Thank you for posting such a long comment on a small incomplete post. I liked how you pointed out one question that I should focus on because it had a great impact on how you think. I think I am going to take that question and expand on it to make a better essay. The way that you put your thoughts on how that question affected you made me think more about the possible ways I can answer it.

Another Initial Comment

Response to Maggie’s

I liked how your point was straight forward; humans are wasting time and energy on digital life. I agreed with you that we are definitely hooked on our electronics and that we are losing a part ourselves to the digital world.

Electricity is suppose to provide us with energy but is it really?

I agree with you when you say that technology sucks the life and energy out of us. Electricity has helped provide us with easier ways of living life but we have become so dependent on it that we no longer know what to do with ourselves when we don’t have technology around.

I know that when I go upstate, I have no cell phone service unless we go into town. There is internet, television and video games but through this unit I realized that I go the whole weekend without using any digital substances. Instead I go exploring, fishing, riding atvs, swimming, playing around with the dogs, or just take walks through the surrounding woods. These simple activities do not sound like much to do for the whole weekend but somehow, some way I have a good time just chilling.

I guess when you’re in a new and different environment, you tend to explore more. When humans are occupied, we think way less about who’s commenting on one of our pictures on facebook, who’s on aim, what’s on television or if anyone is texting us.

I hope you will expand on how we lose ourselves into the digital world, provide more examples.

I hope to read more from you.
