Sunday, September 13, 2009

Initial Thoughts on the Digitalization of Life

I wasn't able to have your class on Friday due to a schedule mix up, so it was a good thing I took your class on Thursday huh.

Technology has taken over our lives.

Currently, I'm doing my homework on my brother's laptop, talking to my friends on AIM, waiting on a phone call and watching the Yankees and Orioles' baseball game. That's a lot of technology.

Well today's my birthday and theres family over and stuff visiting my newborn niece and stuff so I'm going to come back to this another time. I can't really think right now.

Social Networking
Digital youth
Digitalized music
Why are we so attracted to the digital life?
Why must we have whats popular?
What attracted us to technology in the first place?
Being lazy
We use technology because once it was introduced, we have become too lazy to complete certain tasks we can just do with technology.
The digital image is used to show class, or social status.
People are purposefully show and flashy to portray an image of wealth
The digital world may lead us the the next big theory.
We have developed a dependency, addiction, and obsession to the digital world.
The digital life is the main source of all our communication to everyone around the world. What would happen if it were to all disappear?
How did people communicate before technology was introduced?


  1. what do you think about technology? Is it good, bad or both? Being on every digital devices very common now. I also find my self on the computer and watching tv. Its kinda funny cause if I had neither I would be doing other things like reading. What would you do if there was no technology?

  2. I definitly like how you have a bunch of questions in mind about digitalization even though you didn't really have much to say. The question that I really liked was when you said "The digital life is the main source of all our communication to everyone around the world. What would happen if it were to all disappear?
    " This question hit me good. I feel throughout my whole life, I've use technology all the time. to video games, to watching tv, and even on the phone. Yes when I was really young I still had a cell phone. So if all of technology that we use today, if it was to disappear, I would go crazy!!! My reasons of me being like this is because that is almost my whole life. If im not on the computer, I't on my phone, and if I'm not on my phone, I'm on my Ipod or the video games. I like how In oyour questions, when you write them it's like you are giving an example and then asking the reader like "what are you going to do then?" like in the question I brought up earlier you put in the first part how technology is our main source of communication. Then in the last part you say "What would we do then if it dissappears.". It's like your giving us a situation and your asking us how are we going to deal with it.

    It seems like your tone in this response to technology is like "Why are we using technology so much?". It sounds like you are concerned but then again you are just telling the reader straight how life is and we might just have to accept it.

    For the next post I want to advise you to try and be more specific on each of the topics like How does the Ipod effect you? or How does being on the computer or the cell phone keep your life going (if it does)?

    Overall, it was a nice post!

  3. Kate:
    Thank you for more ideas on how to expand on my "paper". I liked how you brought up new questions that I didn't even ask myself. It brought me new insights on how I should keep writing and editing my essay.

    Thank you for posting such a long comment on a small incomplete post. I liked how you pointed out one question that I should focus on because it had a great impact on how you think. I think I am going to take that question and expand on it to make a better essay. The way that you put your thoughts on how that question affected you made me think more about the possible ways I can answer it.
