Monday, April 19, 2010

Treatment for inclass Film

Scene 1:

Main student walks out of house in an angered hurry onto the awaiting school bus full of kids waiting to tease her. She enters the school bus with her wire-framed glasses and shiny new braces to start of her sophomore year of high school. When on the bus, all eyes are immediately on her, smirks and sneers are already forming on the perfect flawless faces of the other high school students ready to start their school year at Oakly High. She carefully picks her way through the crowded bus to seat herself next to a fairly overweight student eating a donut. She can feel all eyes on her and is very uneasy.

Scene 2:

The girl walks through the hall ways of Oakly High expecting to feel good that she is able to start a brand new year but she has more of a feeling of despair. Longing for the positive attention of anyone.

Scene 3:

Girl enters physics class with a confident smile but is immediately saddened and intimidated by her classmates. They were all so good looking! She sat in the only seat left, front and center. The teacher starts class and things are set into motion in the girl's mind. Through the entire class, Emma is able to understand every term mentioned, every equation introduced, answer every question asked of the class.

She sees herself as a star, but in the eyes of her class, she is the nerd. She has been labled.

Scene 4:

The physics teacher begins to notice that Emma is constantly being picked on. She explained to the class how she is going to enforce repercussions for the entire class if Emma is picked on anymore. Emma is petrified, she is now a nerd AND the teachers pet.

The teasing continues and gets worse.

Scene 5:

Emma's physics teacher started to give the class quizzes and tests everyday.

Blahblahblah (filler stuff)

Emma's sophomore year is hell

Junior year comes around Emma losses the braces and gets contacts. She is one of the "beauties"

School bus picks up an unfortunate girl who is in the same position at Emma was in when she was a sophomore.

Enter physics, new girl is just like Emma except this time the teacher is also picking in the new girl just like the other kids.

Emma knows how it feels has a talk with the teacher to help the new girl.

Teacher just laughs her off and tells Emma to just enjoy life as it is and not worry about the new girl, she'll get over it.

Emma knows she wont get over it, her heart is permanently scarred. Blahblah the usual cliche.

Emma fights hard for the new girl stands up for her all the time teacher begins to realize he's being an asshole.

Blahblah the usual storyline teacher changes things

not very creative, sorry.

Was going to go in another direction but this is sort of what i was trying to do with teacher saves student. student teaches teacher. student saves student.

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