Friday, April 30, 2010

Initial Theories of Human Relationships

Humans can be so smart yet dumb at the same time.
What we have in intelligence, we sometimes lack in common sense or rather, "social skills".
In terms of technology, we may have the most amazing brains working on it but put those minds in social situations and they go blank. Humans can only focus on something for so long before that something is ALL that we can focus on.

Common sense is a more of a talent rather than something one is born with. Life is pretty much based on common sense. Without common sense, people may often be thought of as dumb or just can't seem to be able to think right.

Many people in this culture conform and those people will immediately separate themselves from those who had not conformed. There are borderlines between the different personalities of this society and they will most often disagree with each other. In the different "sections" there are dominant personalities and styles that will show and all others will be looked down on.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Homework 50 - Analyzing Texts

6 Lessons- Gatto

1. "Stay in class where you belong." Make the kids like the class. "Rigged competition of school." "Fear and envy better classes and have contempt for the dumber classes." Come to know your place in school.

Tell students they will succeed future with higher grades when in reality, employers could care less. "Truth and school are incompatible."

2. Be totally focused in the class you're in but drop everything from that class when moving to the next. "no work is worth finishing."

3. There is no individuality in schools. The class is one group, one being that the teacher controls. There are no rights, there are only privileges granted by the teacher. Ex. bathroom/ hallway passes.

4. "Curiosity has no important place in my work, only conformity." Teachers enforce decisions transmitted by the people who pay them.

We wait on others who are better trained to tell us what to do.

5. Ones self respect is based on other people's views on you. Students are constantly judged and evaluated in school and are given marks and numbers that provide them their self-evaluation. People need to be told what they are worth. Students cannot rely on parents or themselves to evaluate themselves, they have to rely on the word of a certified official(teacher).

6. Students are under constant surveillance. Not a moment goes by where they are not being watched. In school they are watched by all teachers not only just their own and at home they are being watched by their parents. There are always disciplinary standards. Children must be watched to prevent anything going out of order in the society.

Originality was once popular like currency but now its not, now that everything has been thought of and done.

When students are taught "basic skills" it is just a coverup for the governments plan to keep children in school for twelve years. Twelve years of control.

If you are a sponge rather than an interactive individual, you have no role to play in society. "you are not a complete human being, underdeveloped."

"This curriculum produces moral and intellectual paralysis" The curriculum set forth by the board of education is one that will stop intellectuals from BEING intellectuals. There is no way where we can be happy and satisfied with this form of education. The government is in constant control and we are the subordinates who absorb their teaching without much say in what we learn.

"Rich or poor, schoolchildren cannot concentrate on anything for very long. They have a poor sense of time past and to come; they are mistrustful of intimacy (like the children of divorce they really are); they hate solitude, are cruel, materialistic, dependent, passive, violent, timid in the face of the unexpected, addicted to distraction."

I agree strongly with the last statement I copied and pasted. This reading opened up my eyes a little bit more to what I was already "taught" by Andy. School creates, provokes and positively reenforces our bad habits. Many children "learn" their personalities in school. What happens in school provides us with a way of life. How we act in and out of school is because of school. From having to go everyday to having the work in school extend to home life. Gatto is right to say that most people start life off with a twelve year life sentence because we are all kept in an institution to pick up habits that are created by what we have to do in school. All this is kind of confusing sometimes because I can always argue that what I learn is because I want to learn it and when I ask questions and have debates I am stimulating my own mind therefore I am being an intellectual by understanding things my own way. On the other hand though, I am stimulating my own mind with information that was already laid out by the Board of Education. I may think and feel like I am providing my own learning experience but my questions and my analysis are based on the original lesson that the TEACHER provided.


What is the main educational goal at SOF? - Jakob
As a former punk rocker how do you use that experience to manage rowdy teenagers? - Kaplan

The best thing someone can give to another is an education.
Took everything for granted as a rock star.
Want to give back by teaching.
Trying to turn kids into intellectuals. (Critical Thinking)
Preparing for Success
Knows how and what kids with "problems" go through.

What do you think are the primary goals of students are? teachers? contradict? - Andy S.

Everyone should have their own goals. Own opinions. Not everyone is going to be aligned with everyone else.
Should be able to help each other and student goals should be acknowledged but should also keep selves in mind.
Help each other but also help yourself.

Help have nots
Access to help for haves
Critical Thinkers
Life Long Learners

Schools teach obedience?

Some schools but not SOF.

How much responsibility do you feel for students outside of school?

"Feel responsible but can only have control of what's within my power to control."

(I sat in on the next period class)
SOF = institution?
No, not really
SOF tactics arguable against critics
Cooperative learning. Teaches kids to be analytical and question things. Don't just absorb it.
"Cutting Edge"
Perfect education?
Life Long Learner

No motivation, why?

Fanning's point of view on school is the opposite to that of Gatto's. Fanning believes that he can potentially break the school code that Gatto speaks of and make intellectuals of the students in the public school system. Fanning is basically trying to overturn what Gatto teaches and create a new form of schooling in School of the Future. In a way I feel that both Fanning and Gatto are wrong and right about the school system. I say this because it seems like one big cycle. Like I said before, I can argue that I am being and intellectual in school but on the other hand there is also that undertone that everything is controlled by one unit and there is no "learning" involved, only instructing. But there is also that part of me that feels Gatto is right all the way. Right now I just keep arguing with myself the same point over and over again and it always ends with Gatto's point of view that everything is controlled.

Andy Snyder's class is kind of breaking Gatto's form of teaching. Andy is telling us how things are and what "reality" is. I highly doubt that the public school system wants Andy to tell us all its dirty secrets...or could they? This could all be planned and not Andy's work after all. This is all too confusing. I'm confusing myself, next.

Lisa Delpit on Power and Pedagogy

I've read it three times already! I just haven't analyzed it yet it'll get there it's coming together slowly but surely.

Monday, April 19, 2010

all girls schools all boys schools

Treatment for inclass Film

Scene 1:

Main student walks out of house in an angered hurry onto the awaiting school bus full of kids waiting to tease her. She enters the school bus with her wire-framed glasses and shiny new braces to start of her sophomore year of high school. When on the bus, all eyes are immediately on her, smirks and sneers are already forming on the perfect flawless faces of the other high school students ready to start their school year at Oakly High. She carefully picks her way through the crowded bus to seat herself next to a fairly overweight student eating a donut. She can feel all eyes on her and is very uneasy.

Scene 2:

The girl walks through the hall ways of Oakly High expecting to feel good that she is able to start a brand new year but she has more of a feeling of despair. Longing for the positive attention of anyone.

Scene 3:

Girl enters physics class with a confident smile but is immediately saddened and intimidated by her classmates. They were all so good looking! She sat in the only seat left, front and center. The teacher starts class and things are set into motion in the girl's mind. Through the entire class, Emma is able to understand every term mentioned, every equation introduced, answer every question asked of the class.

She sees herself as a star, but in the eyes of her class, she is the nerd. She has been labled.

Scene 4:

The physics teacher begins to notice that Emma is constantly being picked on. She explained to the class how she is going to enforce repercussions for the entire class if Emma is picked on anymore. Emma is petrified, she is now a nerd AND the teachers pet.

The teasing continues and gets worse.

Scene 5:

Emma's physics teacher started to give the class quizzes and tests everyday.

Blahblahblah (filler stuff)

Emma's sophomore year is hell

Junior year comes around Emma losses the braces and gets contacts. She is one of the "beauties"

School bus picks up an unfortunate girl who is in the same position at Emma was in when she was a sophomore.

Enter physics, new girl is just like Emma except this time the teacher is also picking in the new girl just like the other kids.

Emma knows how it feels has a talk with the teacher to help the new girl.

Teacher just laughs her off and tells Emma to just enjoy life as it is and not worry about the new girl, she'll get over it.

Emma knows she wont get over it, her heart is permanently scarred. Blahblah the usual cliche.

Emma fights hard for the new girl stands up for her all the time teacher begins to realize he's being an asshole.

Blahblah the usual storyline teacher changes things

not very creative, sorry.

Was going to go in another direction but this is sort of what i was trying to do with teacher saves student. student teaches teacher. student saves student.

Monday, April 12, 2010

E.D. Hirsch & Ted Sizer.


E.D. Hirsch

Hirsch argues that students should be able to develop by themselves. They should be able to learn the essentials to succeed at a young age. If students learned the basics when they are young rather than learn what the standards were set to be, they are able to experience more life by themselves. When standards are set, every child in the classroom is learning the same things. It is almost as if they were being brainwashed so that they can learn more standards when they get into the higher grades. When the child is able to learn, experience and develop social and academic skills for themselves, they will succeed better in life because they will be individuals competing against each other instead of against clones formed by the academic standard that Ted Sizer preferred. Hirsch argues that Sizer's method of learning "holds kids back" they are unable to broaden their thinking and expand on things they want to. They can only understand the structure they are taught.

Personally, I agree with Hirsch because without broadening our thoughts so we are able to explore our interests, we are unable to enjoy school. Speaking as a representative of a school that supports Ted Sizer's view of schooling, I am not happy in school because I am unable to learn what I want. I am put into classes where I learn the standard. What I know, whatever knowledge I gain from school, another student at a school that also supports Sizer also knows. In the future when I apply for job openings, it will be harder for me to make myself stand out against other competitors because there are so many out there that have the same academic skills as I do. Of course I am going to attend college and branch off into my own academic interests but even there I will not be able to excel because my interest in Medicine was not fulfilled in high school. When in college, I may sit next to a student who was able to at least learn a little bit about the field of medicine because s/he attended a high school where the curriculum was focused on student interests rather than the set standard we have at SOF. Further into the future, that student will excel whereas I will be left behind.

Ted Sizer

1. Do these theories contradict each other? Intellectually, emotionally, practically? In what ways do they? Could they be adapted to work together?

The theories definitely contradict each other in my opinion. One requires core classes and the other allows students to choose what their interests are. While these two ideas contradict each other and SOF is a school that Ted Sizer supported, we are also a school that holds both ideas. Though Sizer's may be more

Some Research and Writing

Essential Question: How does having your best friend in the same class affect your academic capabilities?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Numero 47 Film Ideas

- stereotypical teacher
- teaches the real thing
- opening traffic scene (on our block)
- more than one class (4)
- field trip
- no administration
- teacher tries to save but kids don't need help
- reverse roles
- funny
- zombies as humans
- student vs. teacher fight
- students give teacher a nickname
- music in background
- reverse delinquent as alpha
- parody of drama
- army teacher

- I really like the idea of the reverse roles sort of style. I feel like maybe we should have the kids be very "delightful children" who enjoy learning but they attend a school where the administrative is not very authoritative so the student's minds are left to starve. I would like it if maybe the students were to be the ones who go around the school to personal train and show the adults how they really should be running the classes. We can use the same tropes as the ones in all the movies we have watched in class but the students will be the teachers trying to connect with their not so authoritative administrative staff who will be the students.