Monday, March 8, 2010

Cultural Code

Before I went to sleep one night, this was what I thought about:

Initial Thoughts:

Life is a big waste sometimes
I really don't like people
Humans can be so ignorant
We go through so much schooling and some people don't even grow up to enjoy what they have done with their lives.

Ok, a memory:

I just tried to think of the earliest memory that somewhat pertained to school and I immediately had a flash back to my day care center but there really wasn't much schooling going on over there so I moved on to first grade.
There were caterpillars growing in a box at the back of the room next to the sink. There were what seemed like an infinite amount of picture books lining the windows. There were so many interactive posters and drawings and pictures stabled to the walls and closet doors. Boy were there a lot of closets. The room was quite large (larger than the one where we attend our history classes now) with about 20 tables placed into separate groups on the side of the room opposite the windows and next to the row of closets. There was a colorful rug next the the books placed at the base of a rocking chair. There was a large chalkboard covered with letters from the alphabet. And then there was me standing in a corner by the books facing the wall, sneaking glances at my accomplice, Sam, standing at the corner to the right of mine. He too was sneaking peeks at me. Both of us were trying to hold in our high giggles. Our respective corners were the results of our misbehavior during story time. Why weren't we allowed to act out the story together while Mr. Guo (first grade teacher) read us a picture book? Life was fun back then. I enjoyed getting in trouble because at the end of the day it didn't matter when there weren't really any consequences yet. I guess I hadn't changed much except now I'm a little more successful in getting away with my mischievous acts. Man, thinking about my past brought back a large variety of memories but this one just kind of popped out to me at the moment.

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