Monday, December 7, 2009

She’s Just Shelly

As the lights dim and the crowd goes quiet, her beautiful voice pierces the silence.


Mom: Shelly get out of bed! It’s time for school.

Shelly: But ma I don’t have to go to school I’m a star.

Mom: Shelly quit fooling around and get ready for breakfast the bus will be here soon.

At the breakfast table

Dad: Shelly do you think you’ll be able to focus on schoolwork with that new boyfriend, whatshisface?

Shelly: It’s ALEX. Alex Scott. You met him last week. And to answer your question, I’m doing fine, Arthur.

Mom: SHELLY! Do not call your dad Arthur! It’s dad to you sweetie.

Shelly: And it’s SHELLY to you Marie.

Dad: Young lady we will not tolerate that kind of disrespect as long as we are your parents! Now you go outside, get on that bus and get to school before you’re late again.

Shelly: But I’m not done with my breakfast!

Dad: GO!

Shelly struts out of the house to wait for the bus to pick her up. As she steps through the arched threshold of the white Victorian style home perched on top of a slight hill behind a bodacious garden, Shelly slams the door shut behind her thinking about what a pain her parents are.

On the bus

Alex: Hey Shelly, over here!

Shelly: *gives Alex a long passionate kiss* How’s your morning hun.

Alex: Well for one thing it just got better on top of the fact that I didn’t have to hear a single word from my parents just yet.

Bailey (Shelly’s best friend): Hey Shelly did you do the math homework? I need help with it.

Shelly: Oh crap, I forgot all about that I was so caught up with my history paper.

Shelly and Bailey do their homework on the bus to school.

At school

First period- history

Shelly: Bailey, what do you have first?

Bailey: Gym, you’re coming with me, aren’t you?

Shelly: You betcha. I have history first and I don’t think I want to start the day off with Mr. Lambert’s droning voice.

Bailey: Whatever you wanna do. Don’t you have a history paper to turn in anyway?

Shelly: Yea I’ll ask Adam to hand it in for me.


Mom: Shelly is that you? Where on earth were you?? Why didn’t you call?? Do you have any idea what time it is?? Are you ok? Where were you?

Shelly: Heeeey mom. I think its 10pm but iderno for sure. And I’m fine hahah. I feel fine.

Mom: IS THAT ALCOHOL I SMELL ON YOUR BREATH?? Shelly its 2 in the morning. Go to bed. Your father and I are going to have to have a talk with you tomorrow.

Shelly: Gnight ma

Shelly’s parents have a long talk to her about her focus on school. They realize that the school year is nearing its end but it is in no way acceptable for her to get home 2 in the morning highly intoxicated without informing them that she was going out in the first place. Shelly is grounded until they can trust her again. No matter how much she argues with them that she is on top of things in school, they don’t believe her because of her rash actions the night before.

The school year slowly comes to an end and Shelly has broken her grounding multiple times. Her parents have given up punishing and disciplining her because she has no care for any repercussions for her actions.

Reports cards were given out today, Shelly, surrounded by all her friends, walks out of the school with a wide smile on her face intent on partying the night away; her report card rolled up in her hand containing straight A’s.